A Look into Jesus’ Prayer Life

And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed (Mark 1:35, KJV)

The Master’s life is a blueprint for our spiritual journey to maturity and glorious life. His attitude toward prayer is most astonishing. In Mark 1:35 above, after Jesus performed miracles one evening, He got up very early the next morning and went to a solitary place to pray. The people saw the miracles and were very excited and thrilled. Most of them were not aware of what Jesus did after or before those miracles. The Apostles He had chosen were given the privilege to see the  Master behind the scenes.

Jesus would give up very early in the morning and spend time in prayer before the crowds came flooding in with their problems. He knew the value of prayer. He will often withdraw Himself from the people to pray. He recognized that time away from the people and alone with the Father is critical not only for His personal spiritual health but for the fulfillment of the ministry the Father had committed to Him.

Jesus’ attitude toward prayer has not grown obsolete in these ultramodern times we live in. As I often say, there are no shortcuts to a healthy spiritual life and ministry. If Jesus gave such attention to prayer, we certainly must follow in His footsteps if we want to have a healthy and fruitful walk with Him.


Why did Jesus not call all His disciples to go for a collective  “morning devotions prayer” but rather sought a solitary place alone with His Father? Hint: there is a time for solitary time with God as a minister and a time for collective prayer.


Pay attention to your prayer life as the Master did. Learn to withdraw from the pressures of life to spend time in prayer. 


Ask the Spirit to help you walk in the steps of the Master in developing a solid devotional life. 

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